Monday, February 22, 2010

When we only think....

of ourselves, you cannot think of someone else.
Getting out of yourself takes time, it really does, yet its the greatest thing you will ever do it your life. Here are a few steps to help you get started.
Start with small things you can handle, like calling a friend and asking them how they are and really listening to them(I mean really listening, no telling your problems please).
Take a meal to a friend or someone you know, stay and talk to them. Make sure its someone who either does not get out or who maybe has been feeling down.
On trash day, bring in a neighbor you are not so happy withs trash cans.
Put a nice note on a neighbors door.
Bake cookies for a local bake sale.
Buy cookies from a local bake sale and give them to someone else.
Volunteer at a local non-profit, if just for one day.
Get more knowledgeable about what is going on around you, local, state, national, world.

Find you voice, what ever it may be!!! Speak up, speak out and stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. We are a country that is free to voice our opinion(at this time) and we need to stand up for all those who cannot.

More to come....

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